New Poem: A Pokeadventure part 2: The Yellow bellied cowards attack

So, here we are again! After releasing a few of my shorter poems, I am back with the second part of my larger poem ‘A Pokeadventure.’ If you remember, last time we left one of our intrepid adventurers at the bottom of a small ridge, having fallen through some brambles. Some cat like creatures were circling him and he had just heard a large screech. So what happens next? Well, that is all in the second part, ‘The Yellow bellied cowards attack,’ which you can read below. Alternatively, if you have no idea what I am talking about, then you might want to read the first part of ‘A Pokeadventure,’ entitled ‘Journey through the Green forest.’ You can get to it by clicking here, then hopefully you will head back for part 2. As with all my other poems, you can also go to my poetry collection on wattpad entitled ‘Bad Poetry You probably never want to read,’ so you can read all the other terrible poems I have written. For now though, engross yourself in ‘A Pokeadventure part 2: The Yellow bellied cowards attack.’ As before, it has a cliff hanger at the end, and as before, you will have to wait a short while till part 3. You could also guess which colour might appear in the next title. We have had Green and Yellow, so is it Red or Blue next. Oh yes, and remember that the bold words are the ones related to Pokémon. Enjoy.

New Poem: A Pokeadventure part 2: The Yellow bellied cowards attack

As the creatures turned and Fled, I glanced nervously to my side

There stood Misty, smirking at me, I knew not how she had made the sound and did not ask

I was just happy that she had shown such Braviary

She noticed my foot, and despite the dirt and Ground, quickly freed it

We knew we had to move before the beasts returned, but were no longer on a path

Misty took the lead and pushed foliage out the way, moving forward with Speed

Then, we saw it from a distance, another cat-like creature

Light brown with darker stripes than the others, it crawled on all fours

It was like a tiger, but with one Great Tusk protruding from its mouth

Before we realised, the beast was Amoongus, it’s claws out, shocking us with a Quick Attack

We Dodged and weaved, somehow managing to Repel the attack

This was the mother, the Ultra Beast and she was in a Rage

All we could do was Charge as fast as we could

The sound of our breath in our ears, and our bodies dancing to the Drum Beating of our hearts, we continued moving

Only when we realised the creature no longer followed did we stop

Catching our breath, we paused only to take a drink of Fresh Water from our bottles

We thought the creature must be the beast we were told about

Our bodies shook with excitement at the thought of treasure

But when we moved through some trees, all we saw was a dilapidated building

The house was falling apart, plaster and wood hanging off it. I did not want to go in, but Misty told me I must

That this is where the item we needed was

As I stepped inside, it felt like the house was haunted by a Polteageist. It really was Gastly in this place

I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, such was the Terror I had for the place

Misty, however, did not seem to be bothered by it. She walked across the entrance room and opened a door to her right

After a quick glance around, she closed the door and entered a room to the left

A few seconds later she beckoned me over, pointing into the room

I tentatively edged over and looked in, this room was more run down that the one we entered

Chairs and tables had been toppled over, a bookshelf leaned against a wall looking sorry for itself

And everything was covered in thick fluff as if a Dust Storm had passed through

I almost missed it at first, but then realised there was a little Claydol sitting on the floor

“Is this what we came here for?” I asked

“I suppose so,” Misty replied, looking unsure

“Shall we grab it then?” I asked

“Yeah,” Misty replied, but then paused. I could see her hand shaking

I knew it was my turn to step forward, so said, “I Kanto it if you want”

Misty just nodded, never taking her eyes from the small figure, “if it has to be one of us, I Choose You.

Not wanting to stay in the room, or even the house, any longer than required, I made a quick Dash, being as Nymble as I could, grabbed the doll and got out

Neither me or Misty needed to look at each other, instead making a Headlong Rush for the exit

Once outside, we looked to one another, unsure what to do next

“Where now?” I asked with a shrug

Misty raised the Flute, “I suppose we should use this”

Placing the Claydol on the floor, we stepped back

Misty raised the Flute to her mouth and blew, though how to play the instrument was Unoun to her

It was not music that came from the Flute, but someone singing with an Alluring Voice

Suddenly an Eerie Spell came over the forest and trees seemed to sway and bend

The song appeared to Revive the little figurine and it began to Awaken

Misty pulled the Flute from her mouth, but a Chatter had appeared in our heads

Lots of voices talking at once, leaving us Confused

A second later, the Claydol sat down again, motionless as if it had just Fainted

Misty and myself looked to each other, we did not feel any different, but somehow knew where to go

We understood the direction to walk in, the place where the treasure would be

At that point we knew we had to do this together, as if we had a Destiny Bond

“Let’s go,” Misty said, nodding. As she turned to leave, I followed her

We managed to work our way between trees for for a few hundred metres

But then the path was blocked by great vines with spikes sticking from then

They looked like large Iron Thorns and we were unsure how to move them

No matter how hard we pulled at the stems, nothing would budge

Standing back, a thought ran through both our minds, the power of the Claydol urging us on

We decided to Hold Hands, then each placed a palm on the vines, imagining an opening as if we created it in our minds

Suddenly large buds pushed through the massive growth then Bellossomed into great white flowers

As the flowers grew, the vines parted to leave a a gateway for us to walk through

We were thankful we bumped into that old man, or our adventure would already be at an end

As if to welcome our arrival, something rang loudly. We looked up and noticed a Bellsprouted from above the newly created archway

Holding hands once more, we walked through the archway, under the Victreebel

Then into a garden bathed in sunlight and full of beautiful flowers

The garden was slightly Sunkern and at the end stood a statue

It was not made of stone as we expected, but was a great Iron Moth with an Iron Crown on its head

Inlaid into the plinth it sat on were an array of Iron Leaves

We realised that it was not the cat we experience before, but this creature that held the treasure

As we walked down stone steps into the main garden, trepidation took over once more

We felt the tiny pebbles on the path that Cut the garden into four sections crunch under our feet

But before we reached the Mothim the middle of the garden, we heard a strange noise

It felt happy but also angry, like some Dragon Cheer

We turned to see a mass of men and women, all in leather clothes and bandanas,


It was clear they had Detected what we were doing and had the Foresight to follow quietly behind us

In front of the others stood an older man in a tricorn hat and large black coat

As he smiled I realised who it was. He noticed this and said, “yep, it’s me, your old friend who gifted you that Flute.

I suppose I should introduce myself properly. My real name is Aron, and I have tried to get that clay figurine to Awaken for many years but failed

But now you have done the job for me, and I thank you for that. Take them away.”

Myself and Misty knew it would be futile to run, so just waited for the Pirates to take us

The one who grabbed me had a Vice Grip, whilst the one who got Misty Clamped her mouth close

We watched the forest go past as the Pirates made us Bounce up and down on their shoulders

Branches hit us as we moved through the foliage, at one point a Vine Whipped in my face

Soon enough we had reached a beach and they dropped us. Sandslashed into my face, but I quickly composed myself

As I looked up, I saw the Pirates pulling a small wooden boat out to sea. Further on from this, bobbing in the bay, was a great Galleon

It was then that I saw Misty Run, making a Dash up the beach toward the tree line

Two Pirates noticed her move and stormed up after her

She was almost off the beach when one of the Pirates slid and aimed a Low Kick at her

I watched Misty Fly though the air and crash to ground

The two Pirates were on her, pulling a rope from somewhere I did not see

They twisted the rope around to Bind her and dragged her back down the beach and to the small wooden boat

As I watched her move past, two more Pirates grasped me and hauled me to my feet

It was not long before we sat in the boat, bobbing up and down and riding the Surf as we headed to the main ship

We thought we might topple over as we saw a big Wave Crash into the hull, but we rode it and carried on

Misty tried to Struggle out of her binds but was unable to, I simply sat there and waited

When we reached the Galleon, we were told to climb a rope ladder onto the Deck

I managed to get up unaided, but Misty had to be carried on one of the Pirate’s backs

The Deck was awash with activity, people cleaning, fixing weaponry or readying sails

Everyone knew their jobs, as if they were part of a Hive Mind

We were quickly ushered down a hatch and marched along a corridor

A small wooden door was unlocked and we were thrown in with a Seismic Toss

After picking ourselves up, we looked around the small cabin

There was little in the way of furniture, just a few sheets on the ground and a bucket to relieve ourselves in

It was then we noticed a frail old man in the corner. He nodded to us and asked, “how do you get thrown in here?”

“We were caught by the Pirates,” Misty said. “Ditto,” he replied

“So, how do we get out of here?” I asked

“I have been trying for years,” the old man replied, “there is no Escape.”

Just then, something brushed past my leg and made me Jump

I looked down and saw a large fluffy white cat, it was so beautiful, it had to be a Persian

I bent down and stroked it, the cat made a strange Mew sound but seemed to be happy

Misty stroked the cat as well, it made a Mewtwo for her

“Oh,” the old man said, “I see you have met Skitty the ship’s cat. She comes and goes as she pleases.”

“If she comes in and out of this room when it is locked,” I said and turned to Misty

Together we added, “there must be a way out!” Realising we had said this at the same time, I added, “Jynx.”

Without talking, both myself and Misty searched the small room, looking for any openings

After a short while, Misty called me over, bent back slightly was a Scraggy piece of wood

That was where Skitty got in and out, maybe we could rip it off and make ourselves a larger opening

Grasping the edge of the wood, I pulled with all my Strength but could not move the plank

Misty tried too, but all her muscle was not enough

If we wanted to make the gap bigger we would have to Bulk UpBut how long would that take? We could only do press ups and sits ups, no Gym equipment here

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About harveycd

Chris Harvey is a writer from Guernsey in the Channel Islands. He now lives in North Yorkshire with his wife, two children and the queen of the household, the cat! He writes mainly for children and young adults, usually in the genres of fantasy and sci-fi.

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