Archive | Feb 2024

New Vlog: Parasite

The bad news is that I can’t seem to shift this illness. I am having some tests done to see what could be causing the coughing. However, I am still well enough to go to work, therefore I feel I am well enough to record a vlog. So, here is me reading my recent sci-fi flash fiction story ‘Parasite.’ Yes my nose is stuffy so I sound a bit funny, but I did manage to read the whole story without coughing which is a bonus. Anyway, as per usual, you can watch the vlog below, or if you want to head over to my YouTube channel, there are even more videos of me reading my other sci-fi flash fiction stories, along with my poetry and parts of my novels. You can even head over to wattpad and my sci-fi flash fiction collection ‘The First Flash of Hope’ to read more of my sci-fi stories. As usual, feel free to comment; both positive and negative are most welcome. Hope you enjoy.

New Flash Fiction: Parasite

I am really trying to get the second edition of ‘A Close Shave with Destiny’ ready. It is going well, but I have been very busy at work and travelled lots of places by coach. I can’t really edit on my phone but I can write. So over the space of a few days (on multiple trips!) I decided to write to get my 4theWords word count for that day. I have poems coming out of my ears, two more ready to go and a third one being worked on. Most of these are short, so I wanted something more substantial to work on. An idea struck me for a new flash fiction for my collection ‘The First Flash of Hope.’ We have all seen those movies or read books where an insect bite causes a change in a person. Most end badly, and for the victim it seems their powers are a curse rather than a blessing. I wondered what would happen if the powers aided the individual rather than hindered them. So that is where ‘Parasite’ comes from. It is also nice to have a more positive twist, although the way I wrote it, it sounds a lot more negative!

So, as per usual, you can head over to wattpad to read ‘Parasite’ by clicking here. Or go to the main page of ‘The First Flash of Hope’ where you can access all my sci-fi flash fiction stories so far. Remember, I am more than happy for comments both positive and negative. I hope you enjoy.

New Vlog: My second haiku

A new vlog for you, and it is another one on YouTube Shorts. Here I am reading my latest poem ‘My second haiku.’ I got the number of syllables on my first haiku purposefully wrong, so here is me learning the correct way to construct a haiku. I hope you enjoy it. As usual, you can watch it below, or head over to my YouTube channel where there are even more videos of me reading my poems, short stories and sections of my books. If you missed ‘My first haiku,’ then you can either read it here, or listen to the vlog here.