Archive | Oct 2022

New Vlog: Do you remember?

The children and staff who witnessed me reading my National Poetry Day poem ‘Do you remember?’ at the school I work at, enjoyed it. But don’t worry, you do not need to miss out on all the fun, as I have recorded a vlog of me reading it. As usual, you can watch the reading below, or head over to my YouTube channel, where there are even more poems I have written, along with short stories and chapters for books I have created. I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to give me feedback, both good and bad, it is the only way I’ll get better!

National Poetry Day Poem: Do you remember?

It is amazing to think another year has passed, and one where Covid does not seem to be rearing its head as much (maybe because they have stopped looking for it!). So, here we are again, at National Poetry Day (well at the time this is posted). As per usual, I have written a poem for the day using the theme given. This year it is the environment. I found this one easier to write, as the environment is something I think is very important, so have some knowledge of the topic. My first idea is the one I wrote the poem on; the idea of asking people if they remember animals that are still in the wild, then using the last verse to explain that, though this might seem strange, the threat of extinction is all too real. I hope it makes people think of the beauty of nature, and may make them want to take some action. As my poem from last year’s National Poetry Day was so well received at a reading at the school I teach at, I have decided to do the same with this one. Hopefully everyone will enjoy it as much. So, sit back, relax and read ‘Do you remember?’ either below, or on wattpad, in my collection ‘Bad Poetry You probably never want to read’

Do you remember?

Do you remember

The majestic White Rhino?

Hailing from southern Africa

Its grey hulking mass

Wide mouth and two great horns

A powerful plant eater

Do you remember

The gracious Sumatran Tiger?

Hailing from southern Asia

Black stripes on bold orange fur

A loud roar and huge claws

A deadly hunter

Do you remember

The ferocious European Badger?

Hailing from central and western Europe

Its distinctive black and white face

Low lumbering frame

A nocturnal wonder

Do you remember

The beautiful Lovebird?

Hailing from central Africa

Its colourful plumage flashing in the sun

As it flits from branch to branch

A winged paradise

But these animals are alive now

You may think

But what of the Dodo, the Caspian Tiger?

What of the Sicilian Wolf, the St. Helena Darter?

What of the Guam Flying Fox, the Golden Toad?

All these went extinct in, or just before our lifetime

Do not let our children’s children look on

The Orangutan, the Leopard, the Sea Turtle 

In confusion, wondering what they were really like