Archive | Apr 2018

Islands of Hope Update – 28/04/2018

Well, here we are again, another Saturday and another ‘Islands of Hope’ update. Sorry it is another short one this week, work has that effect on writing. The good news is that I found myself with some time to kill at a conference this week, and only a phone in my hand. It means I already have a couple of hundred words for next week’s update, did not have time to edit it for this update. As for this week, it is just a bit more of Johanna’s mission, basically description to get a feel for the sort of people who work at Princip’s main laboratory, people you are not supposed to like. I also feel like I’ve hit another milestone as the story is now over 25,000 words, does not change the fact it is still only a novella at the moment but does feel good. Anyhow, the update is now live on wattpad. You can read Chapter 19 here, or start from the beginning here.

Islands of Hope Update – 21/04/2018

Only about four hundred words this week, can you tell I am back at work? This week the update is the start of Chapter 19 and back to Johanna’s mission in Johnsonville. I had some clever ideas and action scenes in my head for this one then realised, as I started to write, that with all the new technology I introduced in this future version of the world, it would be nye on impossible to break in. I have, instead, gone with getting her some help to get to, and later into, the medical research building. Don’t worry, the general gist of the story will stay the same, I still have a big reveal/twist to come. Actually it is not that big but is exciting. The update is on wattpad as usual. You can read Chapter 19 here, or start from the beginning here.

Islands of Hope Update – 14/04/2018

So here we are again, another week and another ‘Islands of Hope’ update. I was away this week so expected a small update but managed over nine hundred words. This week sees the completion of Chapter 18 and Martha seeking reassurances about her meetings with Ukrit. She goes to Caspian Jensen, another one of the directors. But does she feel any better after talking to him? Find out on wattpad. Chapter 18 is here, or you can start from the beginning here.

Early Islands of Hope Update – 05/04/2018

It must be the holidays as I’m away again, that means another early Islands of Hope update. It’s a third week of another decent sized update, the ideas are flowing, just hoping the standard of writing is matching them. Despite being on holiday I am still struggling to find time to edit. Anyway, this week’s update is most of Chapter 18. We head back to Joshua’s and another meeting between Martha and Ukrit. But is all what it seems? You can find out on wattpad. Read Chapter 18 here, or start from the beginning here.