Archive | Dec 2020

Islands of Hope Update – 26/12/2020

It’s been a strange sort of time recently, so I’ve got a strange sort of update this week. I think it is well written and quite poignant. However, it does not revolve around a main character, it is the death of a side character but has the impact of a main one. On top of this, it is a side character that has not been in the story long. Is this the right thing to do? Who cares if it is not, I’m a writer and I’ll write what I like. If George R.R. Martin can bring in characters and kill them off quickly then so can I! So there, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Actually, that sounded a bit too threatening. Right, next week we go back to Kira for more raw emotion. For now though, you can read Chapter 52 on wattpad so far by going here, or start from the beginning here. Have a good holidays.

New Vlog: The Boy Who Saved Christmas

Two vlogs in a week, well well, things are moving forward. Oh yeah, and Merry Christmas. As it is Christmas Eve, I thought I really should have written a Christmas poem. Then I remembered that I did, a few years ago. So I thought that, for a Christmas treat, you might enjoy hearing me read it. Don’t worry if you don’t, I understand. The poem I wrote is called ‘The Boy Who Saved Christmas,’ and was born when my family were visiting Santa a few years ago. The big man’s hat fell off and my son picked it up for him. I joked that he had saved Christmas (actually I think he did!). So, this poem is based in fact, even if the story has been embellished a bit! As usual, you can head to YouTube to watch the vlog, or just look at it below…

New Vlog: Why I wrote ‘A Close Shave with Destiny’

For a while I have been wanted to record a blog explaining about how ‘A Close Shave with Destiny’ came into being. With Covid-19, work has been especially busy and I have not managed to create it. However, recently I added ‘A Close Shave with Destiny’ to the ‘Fill your eReader for Free’ promotion, and thought now would be the perfect time to record the vlog. Being a teacher, I am now on Christmas holidays so have a few moments spare. The vlog also has me reading through one of my favourite bits of the book. So, you get more than you bargained for! You can watch the vlog on my YouTube channel, or view it below. Remember to like and subscribe, or something like that!

If you would like to get a copy of ‘A Close Shave with Destiny’ for free, you can head straight to the ‘Fill you eReader for Free’ promotion. There are loads of great books for free there. If you do download and read it, could you pop a review (good or bad!) on Goodreads and Amazon? Thanks.

Islands of Hope Update – 19/12/2020

I do love Christmas, but all that preparation does get in the way of writing. I thought I had all my shopping done, but with getting a finally few things and wrapping, my whole week seems to have disappeared. As I am not at work until January, I did find some time to do some writing. That means you do get a normal sized ‘Islands of Hope’ update this week. As I said in last week’s blog post, we are back with Imka and Solomon. I am pretty impressed that I have managed to do some character building of Imka right in the middle of the action. But, as we near the end of this week’s update, this section of the battle is coming to an end, as well as that in the air. Don’t worry, someone is going to do something silly next week that shows the futility of war. Until then, you can read Chapter 52 on wattpad by going here, or start from the beginning here.

Fill your eReader for FREE

It is nearly Christmas, and so I have an exciting little present for you. I have put my comedy, fantasy novella, ‘A Close Shave with Destiny,’ on the ‘Fill your eReader for Free’ promo. The promotion is run via BookFunnel, and has a great selection of books from different genres available to download. It is a chance for indie authors to get some books out there, as well as giving those with eReaders a great chance to pick up some free quality ebooks. In this time of Covid, when we are stuck inside and may not see all our friends and family at Christmas, one great way to escape is through books. So why not support some indie authors? It won’t cost you a penny! Also, if you could leave reviews on Goodreads and Amazon, that would be great. So go on, click here and fill your boots!

Islands of Hope Update – 12/12/2020

As Christmas rolls nearer, so too does ‘Islands of Hope’ roll on. That was almost poetic! The big news this week is that the novel is now over 80,000 words long. When I started three and a half years ago, I thought I might be finished by now. I also thought the novel would end up being between 50,000 and 75,000 words. But hey, if you have a story to tell, then you need to use words, and I need a lot of words! In fact, I am pretty sure that when I edit I will want to add in even more! Oh well, we will have to see about that when the time comes. Anyway, back to this week. It is a more mature scene in the cockpit of the bomber, with guns and fisticuffs. However, like before, I have ignored any gore and focused on the action so as to appeal to the YA audience (not that adults will not like reading the novel too!). I hope this scene gets you a little reflective, the idea is that Daniel and Alejandra find out the battle is over, but only after they take some lives. Had they waited a few minutes longer then their victims may not have died in vain. Next week will also see a continuation of Chapter 52, as the battle ends and the action winds down. The end of the story is in sight! For now, you can read Chapter 52 on wattpad by going here, or start from the beginning here.

Islands of Hope Update – 05/12/2020

It’s almost Christmas! Yes, after being a Scrooge for the last month or so, I can now revel in Yuletide. Largely because it is December and I have seen the Coke advert! Unfortunately, there is not much festive cheer in ‘Islands of Hope,’ and neither is there a large update. This week at work can be only described as ‘aaaarrrrgggghhh!’ Not bad, just busy. Anyway, we are now on Chapter 52 of the story and are back in the bomber with Daniel and Alejandra poised to attack. Again, this section has a few comic undertones, but don’t worry, it will all get a bit heated next week. For now you can read Chapter 52, so far, on wattpad by going here, or start from the beginning here.